The LockerRoom

Our mission is to build the best sports app for the biggest league. The fans. Our constant goal is to be in sync with the sports community. Being fans ourselves we want the foundation of the app to be built off the passion and voices of us. We have spent the past year and some change collaborating and working with a development team to bring TLR to market. Now its time to turn it over to you all and work with you to continue building The LockerRoom.

App Concept

The concept is to create the hub of sports as we feel there really isn't one. It will be an app that lets fans continue to post about sports(text, image, video), engage with their peers and sports content all while being able to stay in the game with scores, stats, news, and highlights. We will combine the social media aspect of sports as well as the sports data and put it all on one platform. Sports in a sports world.

Beta Test

The app at this stage is developed with the essential elements that we intend to build off of. Our main focus was to allow users to continue talking sports, but also stay in the game with scores and stats. As it is important that both are able to be done in one place. With that in mind we added some features that go hand in hand with each. At this time we have and are putting a lot of our attention on functionality. How a user moves through the app and if everything feature wise works consistently. As for the design of the app we are still working behind the scenes towards our overall vision.

In the app you'll navigate through 4 navigations:

Home is your default screen where you'll see posts from all those you follow, and be able to interact with their posts.

Scout is where you search for other users to follow and view their profiles.

Headline is where you'll get live(10 min) score updates and player stats for NFL and NBA games.

Locker is where you'll view all your posts, see your total count for followers, following, and posts. You'll also access account settings, where you upload a profile image and create a bio.

You will also notice a "+" symbol on the navigation bar, which allows you to post at any time no matter the screen you are currently on.

You will have the standard features of like, dislike, comment, edit, delete, and upload.

You will be able to upload a post with just text, an image, and a video, as well as a combination of either.

We intend to have a group of 200 users during the Beta test version. Free access.

Access the waitlist below: